As you can see, our Siberians live with us underfoot. They are happy, healthy, and playful Siberians who get plenty of rest and lots of time to lounge in the sun! A favorite pasttime is watching the many birds out the window or lounging on the cattio, and chasing one another around the house at high speeds. We feed only premium quality food, and are here to offer advice and support for the lifetime of your pet. We are proud of Siberians and feel beyond lucky to be able to provide such an amazing breed to our customers.
Sullivan Siberians Ivy, daughter to Daisley Zolushka of Sullivan and Pushkin, is a warm brown/black classic tabby with white. She was held back from Cinder's (Zolushka) last litter before retirement and she did not disappoint! She and Jazzy are competing for who can weigh more than the stud. Ivy is Very Low allergen and is a friendly and loving girl. She is a full time lap cat (while she can still fit). Her kittens are full of personality!
Sullivan Siberians Jazzy Cat is our biggest queen. She is practically the size of the boys (sound familiar? see Grandma Lucy's description). She is Lucy and Pasha's granddaughter, and Tally and Pushkin's daughter, it is no wonder she is a big girl. She is brave, bold, and full of personality. She has the job of allergy testing with customers in their vehicles and happily makes herself comfortable. Usually, after a successful test, clients want to bring her home! She makes fast friends with strangers and her very low allergen levels produce some brightly colored low allergen kittens for our tested waitlist.
Bonanza, a brown spotted tabby with white is a female from our eldest (and now retired) Siberian Queen, Arabeska, who came to us from Tomsk, Russia. She an impressive pedigree, there are 24 champions in the last five generations including Grand International Champion, World Champions, International Champions, and European Champions! Her coat, though not as long as Ledenets' is silky and soft. She is spirited, playful, and loves to snuggle. She thoroughly enjoys water, as do all of our Siberian cats. The minute water is turned on anywhere in the house the Siberians quickly come to play. Extremely playful, athletic, yet very loving, she produced some incredible Siberians, including Saltar, a former stud. Her Russian line will continue to enhance our breeding program. Thank you Bonanza! She now lives with a a wonderful family in McCall, Idaho.
Lucy Maud is absolutely the most outgoing Siberian I've yet to meet. She is fearless! It does not matter if it is an entrusted friend visiting or a complete stranger, if you sit down on the couch, she is in your lap. To top it off, she completely fills your lap, she is an enormous female! She is as big as the boys- Ledenets and Pasha. Thank you again Amy of Skye Blue! We carry on her lineage through her daughter, Tally Ho, and granddaughters, Jazzy Cat and Samantha. She now lives with a family in Twin Falls, Idaho, and is enjoying her retirement.
Since Belle'sarrival into our family at 10-weeks of age she runs the household. Her confidence and playfulness is unending. She is a solid blue Siberian with high white. Her face is picture perfect and her coat is soft, soft, soft. Belle comes from a line of very low Fel-d1, that goes back to the Starpoint cattery which imported the very first Siberians to the US from Russia. She comes to us from Precious Paws Siberians in Virginia, a highly respected breeder (now retired) who values genetic health above all else. Belle has all the classic personality traits of the Siberian and plays fetch better than our dog! She not only retrieves, but loves to initiate the game and brings toys to you for play. Belle is the favorite of our many visitors, as most have never experienced a cat who truly does behave more like a dog! Loyal and attentive, she always wants to be in the same room as the humans in the household. She is a treasure!! We know she passes on not only her good looks, but her amazing personality to her Siberian kittens. Her daughter, Sullivan Siberians Nezhenka (aka Sissy), will continue her line, as will her granddaughters Sullivan Siberians Sweet Sabrina and Felicia. She now lives in Sacramento, California.
Daisley Zolushka of Sullivan aka "Cinder" is the most friendly and loving Siberian. She has produced three of my all time favorite kittens! The personality of her kittens is priceless, and many have gone on to live in homes with allergies. She is incredibly loving and trusting, and her kittens are often wagging their tales and purring from the moment they can stand. We thank Liz Daisley, of Daisley Siberians, for sending her our way. She comes from extremely low allergen lines and we couldn't be happier to have her be a part of our family. She now lives in a loving home in Boise with her daughter BC.
Sullivan Siberians Tally Ho is daughter to Lucy and Pasha. She is WONDERFUL! Her favorite place to be is curled up on your lap or better yet, your chest. She is a black tortoiseshell with stunning green eyes. We are so excited that she can produce orange or cream males (hopefully now through her daughter Jazzy). She can produce a variety of colors and definitely passes on her charm. Two of her kittens have gone on to enhance other catteries breeding programs, "Romeo" at Skye Blue Siberians in Minnesota, and "Idaho" at Whispurrs Cattery in Connecticut. We have kept two of her and Pushkin's daughters who will be producing their first litters Spring of 2022, Jazzy Cat and Samantha.
Sullivan Siberians Nezhenka, daughter to Belle and Vanilla Sky Tamarlan (thanks Liz Daisly and Tom Lundburg). She is a seal point with white and is one frisky frolicker! We call her "Sissy". She has personality galore and runs the roost already. She is Extra Low FelD1 and she produces extra low FelD1 kittens with personality galore. For those of you in the know, Sissy has "FOMO". For those of you wondering what that means, it is text speak for- "Fear of Missing Out". She is always right in the middle of the action and never misses a beat. She takes after her mother Belle, to say the least! Two of Sissy and Pushkin's daughters will enhance our low allergen line now that Sissy is retired, Sweet Sabrina and Felicia.
Our current breeding Siberian females include Sullivan Siberians Jazzy Cat, Sullivan Siberians Sweet Sabrina, Sullivan Siberians Felicia, and soon to be introduced Sullivan Siberians Ivy.
Sullivan Siberians Sweet Sabrina, granddaughter to Belle and Vanilla Sky Tamarlan (thanks Liz Daisly and Tom Lundburg), daughter to Sissy and Pushkin, and sister and litter mate to Sullivan Siberians Felicia. She is a spotted seal lynx point with white. She has glacier blue eyes and a nice round muzzle. She has Extra low Fel-D1, and will be producing kittens for our tested waitlist. She is named appropriately as she has a sweet and gentle personality. She is not as crazy and wild as some of our other girls, and loves to find snuggle spots to nap. The other day I found her snuggled between the pillows and beneath the bedspread. She too really enjoys the cattio and chatters at the birds. Sweet Sabrina is a sweetheart!
Sullivan Siberians Felicia, granddaughter to Belle and Vanilla Sky Tamarlan (thanks Liz Daisly and Tom Lundburg), and daughter to Sissy and Pushkin. She is a seal point with high white and is a big lap cat! She is Extra Low allergen and together with Jem their kittens will be appropriate for families who thought they would never be able to have a cat as a pet. We have a cattio that the cats can all access through a cat door in our wall, and she is often out sunning herself and watching the birds. Even in the dead of winter, she doesn't hesitate to go out for a few hours.