As you can see, our Siberians live with us underfoot. They are happy, healthy, and playful Siberians who get plenty of rest and lots of time to lounge in the sun! A favorite pasttime is watching the many birds out the window or lounging on the cattio, and chasing one another around the house at high speeds. We feed only premium quality food, and are here to offer advice and support for the lifetime of your pet. We are proud of Siberians and feel beyond lucky to be able to provide such an amazing breed to our customers.

Veniamin Black, aka "Pasha", came to us from Liz Daisley of Daisley Siberians. Pasha was originally brought from the Black Cattery in Russia by Tom Lundberg. We thank both he and Liz for entrusting us to take good care of this VERY outgoing Siberian boy. Pasha is a cream spotted tabby with lovely green eyes. He absolutely loves to walk on his leash, hang out in the yard with us, sit by the campfire at night, and generally would prefer to be where the people are. He is absolutely the friendliest Siberian, greeting strangers and friends with passion and warmth, which are classic Siberian personality traits. He's a wonderful traveler, content to ride along in the car, or fly on a plane. Brave, outgoing, and very strong we know he will impart his wonderful Siberian personality to his kittens. As Liz described him, "Pasha is passionate about everything he does." Her words are absolutely true! His pedigree is impressive as well, Pasha has an astonishing 38 championships in the last five generations including: Grand European Champions, International Champions, Grand International Champions, and World Champions. His pedigree speaks volumes about him. Though Pasha is now retired, we carry his line through Sullivan Siberian Tally Ho, Sullivan Siberians Jazzy Cat, and Sullivan Siberians Samantha. 


Ledenets​, a stunning Siberian, came to us all the way from Moscow, Russia. He is a silver spotted tabby with white. He is AMAZING! Imagine a cat traveling 20 hours by plane with multiple transfers and greeting us at the airport completely at ease and purring. He is an incredibly confident, social, and playful Siberian cat.  He has the preferred classic green/gold Siberian eyes, an incredibly soft coat (it feels like rabbit), and a gorgeous tail that is like no other- during the winter, it is as large as a raccoon tail! He has multiple Siberian Champions in his pedigree including: Gr.Int.Ch, World Ch., & Eur. Ch.! Ledenets has no known HCM in his line and tested negative for PKD. Health is priority number one at Sullivan Siberians. Ledenets has been retired, but will live with us always. He continues to help care for the kittens and keeps the females and us company. He teaches the kittens how to ride in the car and enjoy it, his calm temperament helps calm the kittens, we thank him for all the WONDERFUL Siberians he's raised for us (and will continue to help raise). Bonanza was sired by Ledenets, and he is the grandfather to Sullivan Siberians Saltar.

Daisley Aleksei of Sullivan​, a grand Classic Seal Lynx Point Siberian, came to us from Liz Daisley of Daisley Siberians in Oregon too. He is a very big and impressive Siberian and at only 1 year of age, he plods around the house with his heavily boned legs in a manner becoming of a king. Although he wants nothing more to sit on our laps when we venture to relax, he nearly can no longer fit. He hails from show lines, and it is definitely apparent, as he is a stunner! He is friendly, outgoing, and is not at all afraid of strangers. Luckily, all of our queens have accepted him and he too them. I will update his photos as his coat and coloration continue to come in. His eyes are glacial blue and BEAUTIFUL! I just can't even wait to see his first litters Spring of 2022. He is extremely low Fel-D1 and together with many of our queens will be producing kittens for homes with severe allergies (see our allergies page). Here he is pictured on our cattio that so many of our Siberians enjoy year round.  

Sullivan Siberians Saltaris Bonanaza's son and grandson to Ledenets. We thank Liz Daisly and Tom Lundburg again for loaning us Vanilla Sky Tamarlan in order to create him. He is a black seal lynx point with beautiful eyes and confirmation. He has Leddy's laid back personality and his father Tamarlan's massive tail. We look forward to him passing on his personality to his kittens! He loves to walk on a leash, follow us around the yard, and is our shadow, really very much just like a dog. He has earned his retirement and is living the life of leasure on a 30 acre farm in McCall, Idaho. 


Angara Pushkin of Sullivan produced four of our new queens for our low allergen lines. He is extremely low allergen and is producing kittens that are extremely low allergen level too. We thank Tom & Meredith Lundburg of Lundburg Siberians for selling him to us and Angara Siberians for creating him. He is a seal lynx point with white. He has icy blue eyes and hails from show lines so he is very true to the Siberian type. He is absolutely a love bug and likes nothing more than to be pet, loved on, and tended to. He is father to Jazzy Cat, Ivy, Sweet Sabrina, and Felicia. He is currently back in Oregon producing some kittens for Lundburg Siberians before he retires. 

Ardent Snow Jem Coming Soon! Jem hails all the way from Odessa, Ukraine. He came to the US via Czechoslovakia in the summer of 2022. After health exams in Boston, and a month long wait back east, he flew to Portland to stay with a host family until are able to bring him to Idaho. Needless to say, he is a well heeled traveler! Pictures coming soon. We plan to breed him with a few of our queens this winter. He is low-very low allergen. He is a very loving blue lynx point. 

Our Siberian Males